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Signage with Alpine linux on the raspberry pi


This guide works for the Raspberry Pi3 and Raspberry Pi4.

In case you want to run a viewer for Schlangenprogrammiernacht you'll need a Raspberry Pi4 as the javascript viewer ist quite demanding

setup image

  • Format SD-Card as FAT32 with a MSDOS partition table
  • Grab the base file system from the alpine linux website (pick aarch64)
  • Mount new partition and unzip archive directly to SDcard
  • umount and plug SDcard into raspberry pi
  • boot and log in as "root" without entering a password
  • Make sure the raspberry-pi is connected to the internet

prepare base system

  • start "setup-alpine"
    • select keyboard language (e.g. de-nodeadkeys)
    • choose hostname (e.g. "signage")
    • chose interface to listen for DHCP for (e.g. eth0)
    • select timezone (e.g. Europe/Berlin)
    • add user e.g. "sign"
    • Agree to install on /dev/mmcblk0p1
    • install as "sys"
  • reboot the system
  • (optional) continue via SSH
  • select correct repositories
root> apk update
root> apk add nano
root> nano /etc/apk/repositories #uncomment the community repository
root> apk update

setup base system

  • setup boot parameters
  • add file /boot/usercfg.txt with the following content
root> echo "disable_overscan=1
gpu_mem=128" > /boot/usercfg.txt
  • (optional) switch to udev
root> setup-devd

setup windowmanager

  • install window manager
root> apk add screen
root> apk add seatd wlr-randr mesa-dri-gallium sway tinydm dbus
root> apk add wlr-randr wtype
  • start seatd on boot and add "sign" to its group
root> rc-service seatd start
root> rc-update add seatd default
root> adduser sign seat # grant sign access to seatd
  • copy and edit sway config for user "sign"
root> su - sign
sign> mkdir -p ~/.config/sway
sign> cp /etc/sway/config ~/.config/sway
sign> echo "
# hide cursor
seat seat0 hide_cursor 8000
# force fullhd
output HDMI-A-1 mode 1920x1080
exec ~/ &" >> ~/.config/sway/config
sign> touch ~/
  • setup autostart for user "sign"
root> echo "AUTOLOGIN_UID=1000" >> /etc/conf.d/tinydm
root> rc-update add tinydm default
root> tinydm-set-session -s /usr/share/wayland-sessions/sway.desktop
  • fix file permissions
sign> chmod +x ~/
  • configure XDG_RUNTIME_DIR
sign> echo "if test -z \"\${XDG_RUNTIME_DIR}\"; then
  export XDG_RUNTIME_DIR=/tmp/\$(id -u)-runtime-dir
  if ! test -d \"\${XDG_RUNTIME_DIR}\"; then
    mkdir \"\${XDG_RUNTIME_DIR}\"
    chmod 0700 \"\${XDG_RUNTIME_DIR}\"
fi" > ~/.profile

setup browser (chromium)

You can use pretty much any browser that supports wayland. The default is chromium.

  • install and autostart chromium
root> apk add chromium font-noto
sign> echo "#!/bin/sh


chromium-browser --kiosk -incognito \
--enable-features=UseOzonePlatform --ozone-platform=wayland \
--start-fullscreen --noerrdialogs --disable-infobars --disk-cache-dir=/dev/null \
--disk-cache-size=1 $URL &
while true; do
  # after a while all browsers begin to stutter. Here is a crude fix
  sleep 600
  WAYLAND_DISPLAY=wayland-1 wtype -P F5
done" > ~/

setup browser (falkon)

In case you don't want to use chromium you can also use another browser. For instance falkon.

  • install and autostart falkon
sign> apk add falkon font-noto
sign> echo "#!/bin/sh


falkon -e -i -f $URL &
while true; do
  # after a while all browsers begin to stutter. Here is a crude fix
  sleep 600
  WAYLAND_DISPLAY=wayland-1 wtype -P F5
done" > ~/

setup SPN viewer

root> apk add font-noto-emoji # for snake emojis